Just a quick note to let you know what happened yesterday...
We took a trip to UAB to consult a neurosurgeon. Don't get all worried, it was just to discuss options! She didn't see any reason to jump in and operate right now, which is good news to me. She will follow my case and do an MRI every 6 months to see if what she called "key features" develop. (She did say that other doctors might go ahead with the surgery at this point, but given her experience and such, she was hesitant...) It's an answered prayer, but at the same time I still have no headache relief. The medicines my neurologist put me on aren't really doing the trick. She suggested maybe a massage or something of that nature might help...and that is something I'm willing to try!
The Arnold-Chiari malformation is fairly common, and most people that have it never even know it. Why mine gives me headaches is a mystery to me. This picture shows what's going on...in the top one, the cerebellar tonsils are herniated through the foramen magnum. The bottom picture shows the same patient after the decompression surgery. I'm not a fan of surgery...especially on my head...but we'll have to wait and see if it ever comes to that. Pray that it won't!!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago