Saturday, June 13, 2009

Almost there!

We are roughly a week away from the big move to PCB! The last couple of months flew by so fast. Now we have boxes and clothes thrown all over the place in this cute little house we've called home for just over a year. BUT, we're moving to an equally cute home in a place we both have always wanted to live, so maybe we'll enjoy it even more! I'm still on the job hunt even though I'm licensed in Florida now. Please pray that I find something soon! It's a daunting feeling knowing I will be the sole income provider over the next couple of years. We do have savings, but we'd rather not touch those, and we will have loans to help, but that's just more debt. At least my car is paid for! Kerry's should be soon, as well.

My last day of work at Chilton Medical Center is this coming Wednesday! SO SAD about that. I have met some awesome people, and I love them all. My time with them was too short, but we knew it would be a possibility. I can only hope that I will find another "dream job" like I have there someday down the line. I don't have much faith in that, though. ;)

An update on the headache thing...

As most of you probably know, I've been suffering from pretty rough headaches for nearly 6 weeks. After a really bad spell last Sunday night, I went to a neurologist on Thursday and had an MRI of my head. Still don't know the results yet, but the doctor seemed positive it was a fairly common case of migraine headaches with a bit of an odd presentation (in that they've not gone away for more than a couple of hours in over a month and no medication is touching it). Please continue to remember me during this frustrating time period.

I'm going with my Jenny today for her bridal portraits! So exciting! She's less than a month away from her wedding now, so I'm getting nervous with her. Chris is an AWESOME match for her, and I wish them tons of happiness. :)

I'll post some things after the move and show off the new nest.


1 comment:

  1. Hope the move went well! I can't wait to see pics of your new house, and hear about your adventures at the beach!
