Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A really rough one...

I know I haven't complained about my headaches on the blog for a while...or even updated the situation...but that's only because there hasn't been much to update lately.  We've been searching for a new neurologist here in Panama City because Montgomery is too far to drive for regular appointments, and I'm pretty sure my insurance company would not like the idea anyway.  Friday was a very frustrating day trying to call back and forth between offices to get an appointment and get my old records faxed to a new doctor.  I appreciate patient privacy laws, but sometimes they're a real pain!  So after the runaround I'm in to see Dr. Karin Maddox here in PC in late April...way overdue.  :(

I think yesterday was probably the worst headache I've ever had.  I think I managed pretty well, but came home and crashed after work.  If I had the option to call in, I would have.  Gotta love that orientation period though!  Complaining aside, I'm thankful for my job, and my coworkers were more than helpful with my awkwardness yesterday ;)

I have a feeling we're headed for some form of treatment other than medication.  Dr. Maddox's office said to call back and check for cancellations to see if they could get me in earlier than April, so I'll be sure to let you know.  I would most likely be referred back to my same neurosurgeon at UAB if this course of action is taken.  At this point, I'd go willingly.  Please continue to pray about this situation!  Thanks.


  1. Hey chickadee! I hate that your headaches are still continuing, and so severe, too! I'll be sure to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hate that you have to wait so long for an appointment, but maybe someone will cancel so you can get in earlier. Regardless, whenever you do get to go, I hope it all goes well and that they'll be able to finally get your headaches under control and give you some relief. Love ya and praying for ya chick!

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
