Monday, August 22, 2011


I'm writing quietly this afternoon so as not to wake Kerry, who is recouperating from oral surgery.  The wisdom teeth finally came out today!  I know he'll be much happier tomorrow, but it's hard to see him not feeling too good at the moment.  Unlike my experience, he said he can remember everything - which is a scary thought for me.  Bless him! 

Over the weekend, we said goodbye to Ol' Blue and hello to the new family ride! That Honda took me everywhere from the age of 17 until now, so it's kind of sad to see it go, but I LOVE my new car!  It's a 2011 Nissan Murano, and it's sharp if I do say so myself.  :)

Another semester is in the books, and this is the beginning of the LAST SEMESTER OF ANESTHESIA SCHOOL!  ~*par-tay!*~  Less than 4 months to go at this point, and it's going by extremely quickly.  After labor day Kerry will start clinicals at Flowers Hospital, so I hope it keeps flying by.  I hate being separated!  We should be house hunting soon in the Dothan area, as well, so all you folks that know your way around Dothan, help us out! 

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